In Gardens & Agricultural Field

Hita Aqua Soft conditioned water makes the soil more permeable, as the water is absorbed more quickly into the ground. This reduces the evaporation and hence less water loss. Watering time is reduced by 20%.

Soil will retain its moisture content for longer periods.

Due to hard water, salts get accumulated around roots and it causes damages to the system. With Hita Aqua conditioned water, more water and nutrients are absorbed by the plants. This helps in healthier growth and more yield.

Hita Aqua Soft Conditioned water does not stick to the leaves; hence leaf burn is considerably reduced. .Hita Aqua Soft Conditioner saves Time, Water, Money and energy.

Algae Formation

Hita Aqua Soft Conditioner virtually eliminates the biofilm and denies the algae its food source. This occurs because of the conditioning or mineral separation process. With nothing to feed on, the algae are greatly reduced.

Scaling In Pipeline and Equipment

In Hita Aqua Soft Conditioned water the mineral particles repel each other and will move away from the surfaces of pipes and equipment, this ensures there is no scaling formation. Being a solvent, the water now slowly scrapes, loosens and dissolves the existing scale and rust from the system.

Enhancing the Life of Filters and Membranes

The Hita Aqua Soft Conditioned water causes a natural protective carbonate film inside the equipment and piping. As this film will not grow or increase its thickness in time, this self-healing greyish film is of negligible thickness and not only protects the system against scale and corrosion, it will also not impede water or heat flow.

Natural Minerals form scaling on the membrane and thereby reducing the efficiency and the life of the RO membranes.

RO Scales are formed when dissolved substances in the feed water reach their maximum solubility limit in the RO unit. When further concentrated, they precipitate out of the solution and form scaling on the surface.

Installing Hita Aqua Soft before the carbon or reverse osmosis filters, keeps them cleaner and greatly increases their efficiency. It prolongs the life and brings down the frequency of replacement of membranes, thereby reducing the cost on the maintenance of RO plants.